LW4649B - International Mooting and Advocacy

Offering Academic Unit
School of Law
Credit Units
Course Duration
Either one semester or two semesters depending upon the mooting competition(s) entered.
LW2600 and (LW3666 or LW2604A) and LW2601 and LW2602A and LW2602B and LW2603A and LW2603B
Equivalent Course(s)
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2024/25, Semester B 2024/25
Semester A 2025/26 (Tentative), Semester B 2025/26 (Tentative)

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to provide opportunities for students to engage in competitive mooting competitions with other universities and institutions both within Hong Kong and outside Hong Kong. The focus will be upon synthesizing the knowledge and skills already acquired on substantive law courses and to apply that knowledge and skills in a courtroom context. The course aims to develop research, analytical, organisational and advocacy skills by confronting students with complex issues of both fact and law in a courtroom situation. Within the structured setting provided by the course students can prepare for, and participate in, such international mooting competitions as the Philip C. Jessup International law Moot, the Willem C. Vis Commercial Arbitration Moot, the Red Cross International Humanitarian law Moot, the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot, Human Rights Law Moots, Foreign Direct Investment Moot, WTO Law Moots and other moots in which the School participates.

Participation of students in their respective moot is compulsory for which they are selected.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%

There is no examination: the course is totally assessed by coursework. For the reasons already stated at the beginning of section 3, the following list of assessment tasks (ATs) is indicative only. The combination and weighting of the ATs in each section will be determined by the particular instructor/coach according to the demand of the particular mooting competition upon which the students is enrolled. Full details of the assessment approach will be provided at the outset of the course. Students may opt to be assessed upon their performance in the particular mooting competition in which they are enrolled whether this is an internal round within City University or an external round. Students who progress beyond the first round of the competition upon which they are enrolled may designate the round of the competition upon which they wish to be assessed for this purpose.

The coursework assessment may take one or more of the following forms:

Participation in a mooting competition, which is compulsory, will be used as the coursework assessment. The performance in such competitions (whether an internal round within City University or an external round) may be assessed in lieu of any other coursework. Students who progress beyond the first round of any such competition (whether internal or external) may designate the round of the competition upon which they wish to be assessed for this purpose.

The portion of the overall mark allocated to performance/participation in inter-active in class activities will be assessed on the quality of the participation. Assessment criteria for those activities, their nature and their timing will be set out in the study guide/course manual and will be further expanded upon by the course leader and by instructors assigned to that particular mooting competition.

Grading of Student Achievement:

To obtain a pass students must attend at least 90% of the lectures and small group activities and complete a coursework assessment.

Standard (A+, A, A-...F).

Detailed Course Information
