LW4641 - Intellectual Property: Theory, Copyright and Design

Offering Academic Unit
School of Law
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Equivalent Course(s)
Exclusive Courses:
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2024/25
Semester A 2025/26 (Tentative)

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

Copyright and Design is one set of the core elements of what we call IP: intellectual property. This set of rights concerns the economic interests of individuals, publishing and entertainment industries, it also concerns the public as they can also be considered as a form of expression, which linked to fundamental rights of individuals. To be able to critically identify, evaluate, and analyze objects or products that concern copyright and design, and eventually apply legal principles in related problem-solving, is crucial for a qualified IP lawyer.

The aim of this course is to develop the capacity of students to understand and apply the legal principles and rules concerning copyright and design protection in HKSAR, and to provide students a roadmap of copyright and design, guide them right from the start to the end, from nature of rights to effective protection of rights. Successful completion of the course will enhance students' capabilities in critical thinking and analysis in relation to copyright and design in HKSAR, and build up students' practical skills in problem-solving copyright and design issues in a common law context.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 30%
Examination: 70%
Examination Duration: 2 hours

Examination: Students will be tested with fact-based/theoretical questions, they should demonstrate good understanding of the general theories and principals, and the ability to apply them to real life cases with sound arguments and justifications.

The use of Generative AI tools is not allowed.

Grading of Student Achievement: Refer to Grading of Courses in the Academic Regulations (Attachment) and to the Explanatory Notes. Standard (A+ A A-...F)

To pass each course, students need a total score of at least 40% and a minimum of 30% in both the continuous assessment (CA) component and final exam component.

To ensure fair and comprehensive assessment of students' course performance, the pass mark requirement for the CA component will be waived for courses with a CA component equal to or less than 30%. This means students only need to achieve the pass marks for the final exam component AND the overall mark to pass the course. Continuous assessment for this purpose means those ways in which students are assessed otherwise than by the end of semester examination.

Detailed Course Information
