LW4630A - Equity and Trusts I

Offering Academic Unit
School of Law
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
(LW2601 and LW2602A and LW2602B and LW2603A and LW2603B and LW2604A and LW2604B) or (LW2601 and LW2602A and LW2602B and LW2603A and LW2603B and LW2604)
Equivalent Course(s)
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2024/25
Semester A 2025/26 (Tentative)

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course -

  • examines the nature, scope and significance of equity and trusts
  • develops a sound knowledge of the principles of equity and trusts
  • develops:
    • research skills
    • analytical and problem-solving skills
    • effective written and oral communication skills

in relation to issues in trusts law

  • develops an awareness of the social and commercial contexts in which trust law operates.
  • introduces students to some of the basic practical skills required to advise on applying trust law.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 40%
Examination: 60%
Examination Duration: 2 hrs 15 mins hours

Examination: This will test students' ability to apply principles of equity and trusts to solve practical problems. The examination will test the ability of students to present their answers lucidly separating the relevant from the irrelevant issues.

The use of Generative AI tools is not allowed.

Grading of Student Achievement: Standard (A+, A, A-...F). Grading is based on student performance in assessment tasks / activities.

The assessment of the course will consist of

(1) 10% tutorial participation (answering tutorial questions).

(2) Group assignments (30%) will be submitted online during 'Reading Week'. The group assignment titles or questions will release in the 3rd week of the academic semester. The assignment shall not exceed 2,500 words (inclusive of footnotes). It is the quality of the contents, not the quantity. The preferred footnote referencing style is the OSCOLA; no bibliography requirement is needed. Please do pay good attention to the referencing citation or paraphrasing (still requires citation) to avoid being caught under the submission system on plagiarism check.


(3) an examination (computer-based). Students are required to answer ANY TWO questions out of four questions.

To pass this course students must obtain an aggregate mark of 40% and a minimum of 30% in each of the coursework and the examination elements of the assessment. Coursework for this purpose means those ways in which students are assessed otherwise than by the end of session examination.

Detailed Course Information
