GE2222 - Sports, Culture and Society

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
GE Area
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organizations
Course Offering Term*:
Semester B 2024/25
Semester B 2025/26 (Tentative)

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

Sports Culture and Society is a specially designed GE courses which will appeal to students who wish to learn more about how sport relates to their lives. It combines both the theoretical aspects of sport, from psychological, sociological and communication perspectives with the lived experiences of students' everyday lives from both a cultural and society perspective. We are surrounded by sports - as players, spectators, viewers, and readers. However, few of us stop to consider the theories, concepts and methods needed in order to analyze the pervasive nature of sport and the enormous influence it has on our lives. This GE elective attempts to go beyond the obvious aspects of our knowledge of sports and has students contextualize their knowledge using a cross-disciplinary approach. Learning activities include mini-lectures, reading discussion workshops, small group discussions and demonstration, group presentation and projects, individual written assignment and extensive reading especially using online resources.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%
Detailed Course Information
