GE1315 - Silicon Nanoelectronics

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Electrical Engineering
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
GE Area
Area 3: Science and Technology
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

Just how do you turn sand, which you can find everywhere on a beach, into a trillion dollars?  How could you turn sand into almost anything you can imagine (Apple products, Wii sets, flat screen TV, handheld music players) as well as the once unimaginable (Facebook, Ebay, MSN).  Why do tech products get better and cheaper at the same time?  How do these products, conjured out of sand like magic, affect the way we live today especially how we relate to one another?  How can high-tech wastes and bi-products destroy communities and what can be done from legislation?  These questions will be addressed in this course.  What these questions have in common is one word: Silicon.  Not fiction or myth; it is based on a true story (including the Valley).  Never again will you look at the world of high tech fever in the same way.
This course aims to introduce students to how we have built our modern society on sand, literally.  Students will learn how this is even possible (technology and history), how this translates to money (economics) and thinking through the opportunities that it opens up for entrepreneurs (business).  Students will also be led to reflect on how these developments affect the way we live especially in our relationships (social studies) both at home and at work, notwithstanding some of the ethical and legal issues (law) involved.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 60%
Examination: 40%
Examination Duration: 2 hours
To pass the course, students are required to achieve at least 30% in the continuous assessment, 30% in examination.
Detailed Course Information
