GE1216 - Loving Work, Working to Love

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Management
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
GE Area
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organizations
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2024/25, Semester B 2024/25

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

Steve Jobs (2005) credited his extraordinary success to love: for his work and for the woman who became his wife. Love involves intimacy, passion, and commitment. Love for one’s work, similar to romantic love, stimulates intense excitement, fulfilment, and feelings of connection that can motivate people to potentially do great work that transforms society. This course is designed to explore the commonalities between love and work and equip students with knowledge and skills to enhance their capabilities to work and love. Students will learn why work and love are the foundation of mental well-being, which then enables individuals to contribute to global social and economic well-being. The course draws from interdisciplinary research primarily in management, psychology, and sociology, to provide concepts and theories for understanding work and love and how these are the foundations of healthy functioning at work, in groups, in organizations, and in society. 

Note: The content of this course, “Loving Work, Working to Love”, does not overlap the content of “GE2109 Love, Sex, and Relationships: Psychological Perspectives”. GE2109 is a level B2 course in the Arts and Humanities GE area. “Loving Work, Working to Love” is a level B1 course in the Study of Societies, Social and Business Organizations GE area. GE2109 focuses on the intrapersonal (i.e., within the individual) aspects of love and sexuality. “Loving Work, Working to Love” focuses on the interpersonal (i.e., between individuals) aspects of work and love and how the abilities to love and work influence people’s ability to function effectively at work, in groups, in organizations, and in society. GE2109 draws only from psychological theories. “Loving Work, Working to Love” uses material from multiple disciplines in the social sciences to examine love & work from an interdisciplinary perspective.

This course aims to 
  • To provide students a broad, intellectual understanding of a set of shared, interdisciplinary concepts and theories, including theories of well-being, happiness, motivation, engagement, attachment, attraction, commitment, and connection explain the management of work and development of love
  • To provide students the knowledge and skills to apply these shared concepts and theories to navigate the interconnections between work and non-work life in different contexts; 
  • To provide hands-on analysis and practice, and other building blocks of strategies that will help students manage, in a variety of social and cultural contexts, coworker, subordinate, and supervisor relationships at work and different types of non-work relationships.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%
Detailed Course Information


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Department of Management