CA2344A - Architectural Design – Site and Environment (Topic 1)

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Equivalent Course(s)
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to reinforce students' understanding relationship between the building and the site - indoor and outdoor environment. The subject of the design project detailed by the studio tutor consists on a cluster of small building(s) on a specific, characteristic and demanding site. The site is considered in this design studio as a challenge and starting point for all the architectural experimentations and strategies. The aim of the course is to understand the importance of the site for the design project development in order to propose an original architectural solution that is modern, functional but also fully adapted to the surroundings.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%
Detailed Course Information
