Associate of Science in Architectural Studies
Associate of Science in Architectural Studies
Award Title
Associate of Science in Architectural Studies
Offering Academic Unit
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Mode of Study
Note: The following curriculum information is subject to periodic review and changes.

Normal Period of Study

2 years

Maximum Period of Study

4 years

Credit Units Required for Graduation

66 credit units

Programme Aims

The Associate of Science in Architectural Studies aims to produce graduates to possess:
  1. Specialist and content-based knowledge and practical skills related to architectural professionals to enable them to work as a competent associate professional in the architectural and building industry; and
  2. Intellectual abilities and transferable skills to apply knowledge and strategies in  learning, to deal with problems creatively, to communicate, interact and work well with people, and to operate across discipline and professional boundaries. 
The graduates are expected to have a broad-based academic foundation and practical skills in architectural studies to enter into an international workplace or continuing education in local and overseas universities.

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Upon successful completion of this Programme, you should be able to:

PILO 1 – Design

Create integrated architectural designs through analysis of information and development of ideas for the synthesis of solutions to problems.

PILO 2 – Communication

Communicate architectural solutions and ideas through the co-ordination and production of various formats of representation – graphic, oral and written.

PILO 3 – Environment and Technology

Demonstrate an understanding of the integrative relationships between:
• Building services systems,
• Climate and energy performance,
• Sustainable design principles
• Structural systems, and
• Building material and technology,
through incorporation into architectural solutions.

PILO 4 – Social

Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of social, historical and cultural issues on architecture and building design.

PILO 5 – Professional

Explain the mechanism of building and development control and common practice procedures through application in practical problems.

PILO 6 – Life-long Skills

Develop life-long skills through reflection of learning and work situations.

Programme RequirementsCatalogue Term : Semester A 2021/22

1. Chinese Language (0 - 3 credit units)

(a) For students who possess Level 3 or below in HKDSE Chinese Language, or Grade E or below in HKALE AS-level Chinese Language and Culture (or equivalent):
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CHIN1001University Chinese I3

(b) For students who possess Level 4 or above in HKDSE Chinese Language, or Grade D or above in HKALE AS-level Chinese Language and Culture (or equivalent): 

Students are not required to take CHIN1001 University Chinese I.

2. English Language (6 credit units)

For students who possess Level 2 or below in HKDSE English Language, or below Grade E in HKALE AS-level Use of English (or equivalent): 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
LC0009English Foundation Course for Associate Degree Students0
LC1002English Enhancement Course for Associate Degree Students I3
LC1003English Enhancement Course for Associate Degree Students II3

(b) For students who possess Level 3 in HKDSE English Language, or Grade E in  HKALE AS-level Use of English (or equivalent):

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
LC1002English Enhancement Course for Associate Degree Students I3
LC1003English Enhancement Course for Associate Degree Students II3

(c) For students who possess Level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language, or Grade D or above in HKALE AS-level Use of English (or equivalent):

Students are not required to study the English Enhancement Courses for Associate Degree Students. However, students are required to complete 6 credit units of courses in the English and Chinese course list approved by the University.

3. Gateway Education (6 credit units)

Two Gateway Education (GE) courses from different areas:
  • Area 1: Arts and Humanities
  • Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organizations
  • Area 3: Science and Technology

4. Programme Core Courses (48 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CA19110Design Exploration - Process6
CA19114Design Creation – Tectonics6
CA19200Architectural Communication3
CA19301Experiencing Architecture3
CA19505Earth Science and Physics behind Architecture3
CA29202Communication Studies - Digital Media and Presentation3
CA29302Social Studies - History of Architecture and Urbanism3
CA29401Environmental Studies - Sustainable Design and Building Systems3
CA29506Structural Systems and Materials3
CA29602Construction Industry and Society3

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CA29112Integrated Studio - Medium-Scale Buildings (Topic 1)6*
CA29122Integrated Studio - Medium-Scale Buildings (Topic 2)6*
CA29132Integrated Studio - Medium-Scale Buildings (Topic 3)6*

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CA29113Integrated Studio - High-Rise Buildings (Topic 1)6*
CA29123Integrated Studio - High-Rise Buildings (Topic 2)6*
CA29133Integrated Studio - High-Rise Buildings (Topic 3)6*

*  Each studio option focuses on a different project topic as specified by studio tutor.
   Students are required to enrol in one of the studio options to complete the studio requirements.

5. Free Electives (3 - 6 credit units)

Students not required to take CHIN1001 University Chinese I should take 6 credit units of free electives to complete the programme requirement of minimum 66 credit units.

Students required to take CHIN1001 University Chinese I should take 3 credit units of free electives to complete the programme requirement of minimum 66 credit units.

Professional Recognition


Additional Information

  1. For courses set with pre-cursor(s), ACE Department requires that all students must have attempted (including class attendance, coursework submission and examination) the precursor course(s) so identified.
  2. Students must attain a minimum mark of 30 in all assessment components AND an overall mark of 40 to pass the course.
  3. The teaching schedules of some courses offered in Summer Term may start a few weeks earlier than the normal University schedule; students are advised to check the teaching schedules with the Course Leaders before registering for the courses.
  4. The present “2+2” structure (2-year ASAS Programme + 2-year BSAS Programme) necessitates a concurrent review of the associate degree and degree programmes, as the combined total of a notional four-year degree programme, for the purpose of accreditation by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Architects Registration Board .