Master of Science in Applied Physics
Master of Science in Applied Physics
Award Title
Master of Science in Applied Physics
Offering Academic Unit
Department of Physics
Mode of Study
Combined mode

Normal Period of Study

Full-time: 1 year
Part-time/Combined mode: 2 years

Maximum Period of Study

Full-time: 2.5 years
Part-time/Combined mode: 5 years

Credit Units Required for Graduation


Programme Aims

The programme aims to provide an opportunity for university graduates in physical science or engineering disciplines to obtain post-graduate level training in applied physics with highly marketable professional skills specialized in the sub-fields of Bio-medical Physics, Energy Materials Physics and General Advanced Physics. It also provides an opportunity for scientists and engineers in industry to upgrade their knowledge or skills through pursuing graduate level studies of various topics of applied physics.  The graduates of this programme will gain knowledge of physical principles and how these principles can be applied to practical problems in specific related professions.  The training and knowledge provided are suitable for employment as medical technical specialists and engineers in electronic and renewable energy industries in Hong Kong, China and other South Eastern countries.  It is also expected that this programme will serve as a bridge providing a good base for students to pursue Ph.D. studies in related fields (Physics, Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering).

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Upon successful completion of this Programme, students should:

  1. Have acquired an extensive and in-depth physical knowledge of and analytical skills in various fields in applied and engineering physics.
  2. Have developed the ability to apply the knowledge of applied and engineering physics to generate creative and ethical solutions in the working environment.
  3. Be able to communicate effectively with applied and engineering physics related professions.
  4. Be able to apply textbook theories to applied and engineering physics problems.
  5. Be able to design and conduct experiments, as well as to critically analyze and interpret data.
  6. Be able to identify, formulate, solve engineering or scientific problems and generate new ideas in the relevant subfields of applied and engineering physics.
  7. Have developed necessary skills to present research findings in a logical manner to the scientific community.
  8. Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

Programme Requirements

1. Core Courses: (18 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
PHY5501Modern Characterization Techniques for Materials Physics3
PHY6501Advanced Instrumentation and Measurement Methods for Experimental Physics3
PHY6502Advanced Computational Methods3
PHY6503Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers3
PHY6504Physics at Nanoscale3
PHY6505Modern Topics in Engineering and Applied Physics3

2. Electives: (12 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
PHY5502Frontiers in Physics3All areas
PHY6180Modern Scattering Methods in Materials Science3All areas
PHY6251Advanced Quantum Mechanics3• General graduate level physics
• Students taking this course should have acquired some basic knowledge of quantum physics, e.g., have taken the course PHY3251 Quantum Physics or equivalent courses.
PHY6252Statistical Mechanics3General graduate level physics
PHY6253Introduction to Biophysics3Biomedical physics
PHY6254Fundamentals of Laser Optics3General graduate level physics
PHY6255Introduction to Quantum Optics3• General graduate level physics
• Students taking this course should have acquired some basic knowledge of quantum physics, e.g., have taken the courses PHY3205 Electrodynamics or equivalent and PHY3251 Quantum Physics or equivalent courses.
PHY6506Advanced Electrodynamics3General graduate level physics
PHY6521Advanced Solid State Physics3General graduate level physics
PHY6522Advanced Imaging Physics3Biomedical physics
PHY6523Advanced Nuclear Medicine Physics3Biomedical physics
PHY6524Advanced Radiotherapy Physics3Biomedical physics
PHY6525Advanced Wave Functional Materials for Energy Applications3Energy materials physics
PHY6526Energy Materials: Physics and Applications3Energy materials physics
PHY6527Environmental Physics3Energy materials physics
PHY6528Advanced Research in Applied Physics9
PHY6603Introduction to Quantum Information3• General graduate level physics
• Students taking this course should have acquired some basic knowledge of quantum physics, e.g., have taken the courses PHY3205 Electrodynamics or equivalent and PHY3251 Quantum Physics or equivalent courses.