Master of Science in Computer Science
Postgraduate Certificate in Information Security
Master of Science in Computer Science
Postgraduate Certificate in Information Security

Award Title
Master of Science in Computer Science
Postgraduate Certificate in Information Security

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Computer Science
Mode of Study
Combined mode

Normal Period of Study

Master of Science in Computer Science:
- 1 year (Full-time)
- 2 years (Part-time/Combined mode)

Postgraduate Certificate in Information Security: 1 year (Part-time)

Maximum Period of Study

Master of Science in Computer Science:
- 2.5 years (Full-time)
- 5 years (Part-time/Combined mode)

Postgraduate Certificate in Information Security: 2.5 years (Part-time)

Credit Units Required for Graduation

• Master of Science in Computer Science - 30 credit units
• Postgraduate Certificate in Information Security - 12 credit units

Programme Aims

The programme aims to enable computer professionals to effectively and systematically strengthen and upgrade their technical capabilities in meeting increasing demands in computer software systems and services development.  The programme also aims to broaden the students’ knowledge and deepen their understanding of key issues of specific application domains and areas in computer science, including data science, e-Commerce, information security, mobile, multimedia, and other related contemporary technologies.

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Upon successful completion of this Programme, students should be able to:

  1. apply systems development tools and techniques in the development of computer systems and propose solutions;
  2. apply computer networks, software and data engineering concepts and technologies, as well as domain-specific tools and techniques, in the design of quality computer software systems and services;
  3. work effectively as member of a team in the development of computer software systems and services;
  4. delineate key issues of specific application domains and areas in computer science and develop potential solutions for tackling problems in these application domains and areas.

    Programme Requirements

    Courses in the programme are categorized into Core Courses and Electives.  The list of Electives is divided into two groups: Group I and Group II.  To obtain the award of Master of Science in Computer Science, students are required to take

    • all 9 credit units of the Core Courses, and

    • at least 21 credit units of Electives, including at least 3 credit units of Electives in Group I.

    Some of the Electives are designated as Stream Core or Stream Elective of the Data Science (DS) Stream or Information Security (IS) Stream.  Students may also choose to

    • take any Electives and thereby no concentration on any stream, or

    • take the two Data Science Stream Core courses and at least one Data Science Stream Elective, thereby fulfilling the requirement of concentration on Data Science Stream, or

    • take the two Information Security Stream Core courses and at least one Information Security Stream Elective, thereby fulfilling the requirement of concentration on Information Security Stream.

    1. Core Courses (9 credit units)

    Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
    CS5222Computer Networks and Internets3
    CS5351Software Engineering3
    CS5481Data Engineering3

    2. Electives (21 credit units)

    Group I (at least 3 credit units)
    Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
    CS5188Virtual Reality Technologies and Applications3
    CS5284Mobile Computing3
    CS5286Algorithms and Techniques for Web Searching3DS Stream Elective
    CS5293Topics on Information Security3IS Stream Elective
    CS5296Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice3DS Stream Elective
    CS5367Computer Games Design3
    CS5487Machine Learning: Principles and Practice3DS Stream Elective
    CS5489Machine Learning: Algorithms and Applications3DS Stream Elective
    CS6187Vision and Language3
    CS6290Privacy-enhancing Technologies3IS Stream Elective
    CS6487Topics in Machine Learning3
    CS6493Natural Language Processing3
    CS6534Guided Study3* DS Stream Elective,

      IS Stream Elective

    *CS6534 is both a Data Science Stream Elective and an Information Security Stream Elective.

    Group II
    Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
    CS5182Computer Graphics3
    CS5185Multimedia Technologies and Applications3
    CS5187Vision and Image3
    CS5275High Speed Multimedia Networks3
    CS5282Practical Optimization Algorithms and Techniques3
    CS5285Information Security for eCommerce3IS Stream Core
    CS5288Cryptography: Theory and Practice3IS Stream Elective
    CS5294Information Security Technology Management3IS Stream Core
    CS5348Software Quality Engineering3
    CS5483Data Warehousing and Data Mining3DS Stream Core
    CS5486Intelligent Systems3
    CS5488Big Data Algorithms and Techniques3DS Stream Core
    CS5491Artificial Intelligence3
    CS6175Virtual Reality and Game-Engine Technologies3
    CS6223Distributed Systems3
    EC5001Introduction to eCommerce3

    Additional Information

    (i) The programme allows early exit with a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (24 credit units) as an intermediate award.  

    No. of credit units required: 

    • all 9 credit units of the Core Courses, and
    • at least 15 credit units of Electives, including at least 3 credit units of Electives in Group I

    (ii) The programme also admits students to the Postgraduate Certificate in Information Security.
    Entrance Requirements: Same as Master of Science in Computer Science
    No. of credit units required: 

    • 3 credit units of the course CS5285 Information Security for eCommerce, and
    • 9 credit units of the courses in the following lists of Electives, including at least 3 credit units of Electives in the Group I list.

    [Electives: Group I]

    · CS5293 Topics on Information Security

    · CS5296 Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice

    · CS6290 Privacy-enhancing Technologies

    · CS6534 Guided Study

    [Electives: Group II]

    · CS5222 Computer Networks and Internets

    · CS5288 Cryptography: Theory and Practice

    · CS5294 Information Security Technology Management