SS6218 - Practicum Related Workshops III and IV

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Applied Social Sciences
Credit Units
Course Duration
- 20 hours of practicum related workshop III (1 session of preplacement workshop, 4 sessions of mental health first aid training and 1 session of knowledge and skills consolidation)
- 20 hours of practicum related workshop IV (3 sessions of sharing and reflection during Fieldwork II and 3 sessions of post-placement evaluation and consolidation and 1 session of future and career planning)
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2016/17, Semester B 2016/17

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to enable students to have better preparation and consolidation of knowledge and experience gained in the 2nd field practice and make constructive use of the experience to plan their future development in the profession. Through this course, students should:
1.1 acquire basic knowledge and skills in conducting mental health assessment and counselling;
1.2 review and consolidate social and human sciences knowledge learned and practice wisdoms gained to guide their 2nd field practice in social welfare organizations;
1.3 gain support from fellow practitioner-trainees through regular reflection and sharing of their practice experience in the 2nd field practice;
1.4 have an overall and thorough review and reflection on the knowledge and practice wisdoms gained which may guide his/her future career development and devotion to the profession.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Participation and Attendance in Practicum Related Workshop III: 25%
Reflection Paper in Practicum Related Workshop III: 25%
Participation and Attendance in Practicum Related Workshop IV: 25%
Reflection Paper in Practicum Related Workshop IV: 25%
Detailed Course Information
