SS6217 - Practicum Related Workshops I and II

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Applied Social Sciences
Credit Units
Course Duration
- 40 hours of practicum related workshop I (10 sessions of skills practice, 2 sessions of professional writing and 2 agency visits) and,
- 20 hours of practicum related workshop II (2 sessions of pre-placement workshop, 3 sessions of sharing and reflection during Fieldwork I and 1 session of postplacement
evaluation and consolidation)
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2016/17, Semester B 2016/17

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to enable students to have better preparation, knowledge-wide, skillswide and in their attitude, for their 1st field practice in welfare organizations. Through this course, students should:
1.1 reflect on their attitudes and values in the helping process and have more capacity for self-understanding and awareness;
1.2 possess basic knowledge and helping skills in working with individuals, groups and community;
1.3 acquire skills in community need assessment;
1.4 acquire professional writing skills in practice learning in welfare organizations;
1.5 gain support from fellow practitioner-trainees through regular reflection and sharing of their practice experience.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Participation and Attendance in Practicum Related Workshop I: 20%
Reflection log in Practicum Related Workshop I: 10%
Final sharing Practicum Related Workshop I: 10%
Reflection paper in Practicum Related Workshop I: 20%
Participation and Attendance Practicum Related Workshop II: 20%
Reflection Paper in Practicum Related Workshop II: 20%
Detailed Course Information
