About Us

About Career and Leadership Centre (CLC)
Career and Leadership Centre (CLC) is dedicated to helping students realise their career goals, explore career options and equip them with the employability skills. Our ultimate aim is to enhance students’ employability in order to meet the challenges of a global workforce upon graduation.
CLC offers career consultation services to students to enable them to systematically and continuously plan for their career development. A wide spectrum of career preparation workshops and employability enhancement programmes are conducted to equip students with all the job and industry related knowledge and employability skills.
Aside from career education and consultation services, CLC also works closely with our employer partners in providing local and overseas internships, as well as graduate opportunities to our students. To create more opportunities for our students to meet with their potential employers, we organise different types of employer engagement events, such as career fair and other networking activities every year.
It is the goal and mission of CLC to provide a comprehensive and excellent career services to our students, so as to enable them to deploy what they have learnt from the university fully, find suitable employment, and serve the community at large.
Contact Us
General Enquiries
3442 5591
Address of Career and Leadership Centre
6/F, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Complex, City University of Hong Kong,
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Hong Kong
Office Hours
Monday to Friday (except public holidays)
9:00 am to 5:30 pm

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