About Me

WU Xinjue

1994 年生於安徽。2017 年本科畢業於比利時安特衛普皇家藝術學院場域藝術系。現為比利時安特衛普皇家藝術學院場域藝術研究生。

Born in 1994 in Anhui, Wu received a bachelor’s degree in fine arts in-situ from the Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Belgium, in 2017, and is currently pursuing post-graduate studies at the same department.


陳湘波 CHEN Xiangbo

about me

The Island and I

錄像 (2分鐘)
Video (02’00”)

視頻攝於希臘伊茲拉島。伊茲拉島是距希臘首都 65 公里的一個小島,人口不足三千人,主業是旅遊業。小島有一個別名「驢島」,因為該島上除了一輛救火車和一輛急救車之外,就再也沒有能排放大量二氧化碳的人造物件。在島上能感受地中海特有的氣候,我想以自己身體為媒介感受小島的自然:於是我在小島上取水,將水凝成冰,雕刻成小島的形狀,喝了下去。

The video was shot on the island of Hydra (Ύδρα in Greek). Located 65 kilometers from the capital of Greece, Hydra has a population of under 3,000, that makes a living primarily from tourism. It is also known as “the donkey island”, as apart from a fire engine and an ambulance, there are no significant, carbon dioxide-emitting artificial objects on the island. Hydra is characterised by its Mediterranean climate; in order to feel its natural environment, I used my body as a medium, took water from the island, froze it, carved an island out of the ice, and then drank it.

Solo Exhibition+


  • 「過程」,Damburgestraat, In Situ3, 安特衛普
    Process, Damburgestraat, In Situ3, Antwerp

Group Exhibitions+


  • Art On Campus, Universiteit Antwerpen, 安特衛普
    Art On Campus, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp
  • Verhaeren Vertaald, Versneden En Verbeeld, Wintergarden,安特衛普
    Verhaeren Vertaald, Versneden En Verbeeld, Wintergarden, Antwerp
  • Body& Breathe, Wintergarden,安特衛普
    Body & Breathe, Wintergarden, Antwerp


  • 「倫敦設計雙年展」,深圳館展場設計,薩默塞特府,倫敦
    Design of Shenzhen Gallery, London Design Biennale, Somerset House, London