About Me

KOOK Vvzela

新媒體藝術家曲倩雯,現於香港生活及工作。她主要以聲音視覺作為創作媒介, 包括聲音視 覺現場演出, 劇場, 衍生藝術(generative art)與繪畫。 她作品當中的多重的紋理與我們感知的多個感官相連, 重新介紹視頻作為一種媒介的潛力。

Born in 1990, Kook is a new media artist living and working in Hong Kong who mainly works in audiovisual media, including performance, theatre, generative video and drawing. The condensed textures in her work connect with multiple sensual levels of the viewer’s perception and thus reintroduce the unexplored potential of video as a medium.


莫奔 Maurice BENAYOUN

about me


錄像裝置 (5分45秒)
Video installation (5’ 45”)

心理功能失調(Psychological Dysfunction)是指認知、情緒或行為功能上的衰變。包括幻覺,與現實脫節的思維過程(常見於精神分裂症以及其他重度精神障礙)。(馬克杜蘭德《異常心理學》)



Psychological Dysfunction refers to a breakdown in cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning.(V. Mark Durand)

People's mental activity often changes with changes in their external environment; normal and abnormal are counter-parts, mutually evolving and changing; there is no absolute normal or abnormal. Even psychologically healthy people, in certain situations or for specific periods, may temporarily show different levels of mental activity, of variable duration.

This multiple-screen image combines a computer generated graphic with shots. It mainly focuses on the dynamic flow of the six screens and the resonance of the sound frequency, generated by the changing videos , designed to allow viewers to experience such a "temporary exception" through synesthetic sensory stimulation.

about me

Confidential Records: Dual Metropolitans

旁白:Tian JI

Audio-visual work
Visual/audio: Vvzela KOOK
Voice Over: Tian JI

曲倩雯的《機密錄:雙城》建構了一個虛構的故事:九龍寨城從未消失,只是掩藏在地下。由人工智能接管的城市,與變為人類最終防線的地下九龍寨城 -- 數據遊走於兩個巨大的城市記憶體之間,往後的世界將又如何?藝術家將帶領觀眾進行一場特殊的符控流域之旅。

Confidential Record: Dual Metropolitans by Vvzela Kook is based on a makeup story – in revealing of a big secret that Kowloon Walled City was never gone, it is just hidden under the ground. The city governed by artificial intelligence, and the underground Kowloon Walled City became the last defense of all human being ------ huge data flows between these two gigantic memory systems, how the future world would become? Integrating with sound/music, visual and new media, artist will take audience through an exceptional cyber city journey.

Throughout the past hundred years, Kowloon Walled City mostly worked as a community that with military and political function, it maximized the ability of improvisation and compatibility, and finally developed into a huge and comprehensive urban system. The issue of governance of the site which had permitted the unfettered development of these few hectares was finally resolved and the decades of growth ended.In this project I’m trying to make an audacious assumption: Scientist Ray Kurzweil define the acceleration of development of technology as Law of Accelerating Returns. He thinks that human could make the progress of the entire 20th century with only 20 years in 21 century. People think that technology develops linearly, but what if it is growing exponentially, and we are here right before the “explosion”, what will happen decades later might threat all human being. And what happen if Kowloon Walled city still exist in this hypothesis? What functions will it have, what progress will it have made? What kind of role will it play between artificial intelligence and human?

Solo Exhibition+


  • 「那是一個最好的時代,那是一個最壞的時代」——曲倩雯與Lee Cheng雙個展,Mana Contemporary,芝加哥,美國
    It was the Best of Times, It was the Worst of Times, duo solo exhibition with Lee Cheng, Mana Contemporary, Chicago, USA
  • 「浮水印——曲倩雯個人項目」,Gold Saucer Studio,溫哥華,加拿大
    Watermark – Vvzela Kook’s solo project, Gold Saucer Studio, Vancouver, Canada

Group Exhibitions+


  • 「樹語——從香港到挪威多媒體音樂會挪威巡演」
    Dialogue of Trees, media concert tour in Norway
  • 「PuSh國際表演藝術節」,溫哥華,加拿大
    PuSh Performing Art Festival, Vancouver, Canada


  • 「六廠秋季專案——新經緯系列1.0:亞莉雅德妮的線球」,上環文娛中心,香港,中國
    MILL6 FALL PROGRAM: 'TECHSTYLE SERIES1.0: ARIADNE'S THREAD', Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Hong Kong, China
  • 「你並不孤單」,油街實現藝術空間,香港,中國 /
    You are Not Alone, Oi! Street Art Space, Hong Kong, China
  • 「我們︰一個關於中國當代藝術家的力量」,K11,上海,中國
    WE: a Community of Chinese Contemporary Artists, K11, Shanghai, China
  • 「歸一,天空學院燈光聲音秀」,環球貿易廣場,香港,中國 /
    All in One. Sound and Light Show for Open Sky Campus, International Commerce Centre, Hong Kong, China
  • 「樂圖鑒聲音視覺現場演出」,微波國際媒體藝術節,香港,中國
    VISAURAL audio-visual performance, Microwave International New Media Festival, Hong Kong, China


  • 「夜奔多媒體舞蹈劇場」,香港藝術節,香港,中國
    Fleeing by Night, intermedia dance theatre, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong, China