About Me
REN Yuan
曾任 VINCI 智慧頭機藝術顧問、財新傳媒資料視覺化實驗室執行總監、中央美術學院數碼媒體工作室講師。現為任遠實驗室創始人,同時亦是《Processing互動程式設計》作者及「創意編程」網站 (creativecoding.cn) 創始人。
Ren was former art consultant for the VINCI smart headphones, executive director of the info visualisation lab at Caixin Media, and lecturer at the digital media lab, at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is the founder of Ren Yuan Laboratory and creativecording.cn, as well as the author of Processing Interactive Coding.
王端廷 WANG Ruiting

Human = Science
Human = Science
動畫 (5分鐘5秒)
Animation (5’05”)
《Human = Science》是一部基於代碼生成的影片,整個作品的創作是建立在任遠對哲學、科學、藝術的研究,對「我們從哪裡來?我們是誰?我們到哪裡去?」問題的探索。音樂部分由劉一緯創作。
Human = Science is a film generated by coding. The creation of the work is based on the artist’s study of philosophy, science and art, and his explorations of the questions: “where are we from?”, “who are we?” and “where are we going?”. Music is by Liu Yiwei
Group Exhibitions+
.zip Future Rhapsody, Xiaomi. Future of Today, Today Art Museum, Beijing -
「童年與遠方 ─ 在未來」,時代美術館,北京
Childhood and Beyond - @Future, Beijing Times Art Museum, Beijing -
「時代漸強音 ─ 2017 王式廓獎暨今日中國當代藝術家提名展」,今日美術館,北京
Amassing Force: 2017 Wang Shikuo Award and TAM Exhibition of Nominated Chinese Contemporary Artists, Today Art Museum, Beijing
「以科技詮釋藝術 ─ 任遠」,Apple Store,上海
Interpreting Art with Technology – Ren Yuan, Apple Store, Shanghai -
「設計之鏈 ─ 溫州國際設計雙年展」,昊美術館,溫州
The Chain of Design – Wenzhou International Design Biennial, Wenzhou Hao Art Museum, Wenzhou -
「奧迪城市電子音樂節2016」,Audi City Beijing,北京
Audi City Urban Electronics Music Show, Audi City Beijing, Beijing -
Light. New Media Installation Art Festival, Huran Art Museum, Baoji
「任遠 | Human = Science」,ART DATA LAB,北京
Ren Yuan | Human = Science, Art Data Lab, Beijing