About Me

Carla CHAN

1989 年出生,畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院。現在活躍於德國與香港兩地。她作品創作媒介包括錄像、裝置、攝影和互動媒體。她的作品風格往往遊走現實和幻想,形體與抽象之間的模糊邊界,而同時間創予一個微故事形式空間。

Carla Chan (b.1989) is a contemporary artist based in Berlin and Hong Kong where she obtained her bachelor degree in Fine Arts from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.

She works with a variety of media, including video, installation, photography and printmaking. Much like the never-ending development of new technology, Chan considers media art as a medium with infinite possibilities for artistic expressions.

In her works, she often plays with the ambiguity between forms of nature and the digital realm, toying with the blurred boundaries between reality and imagination, figure and abstraction. Her style is minimal and often a dash of Chinese flavor can be found.


艾朗宏 Richard William ALLEN

about me

Between happening

Mechanical Installation
Iron powder, plaster glued and printed on paper, magnetic mechanism
51 x 41 x 100 cm

Between Happening 是一件基於時間的動態裝置。它由一張以框架固定的網版印件和隱藏在後面的磁力機關所組成。當機關運作時,其中的磁石會帶動印件上的鐵粉,展現出如同風景一樣的輪廓。磁石週而復始的運動,不斷的清除又重新建構風景的模樣。隨著時間推移,景色就慢慢的演變。

Between Happening 象徵著人類對環境的影響。人類的每次干預都會留下痕跡,就像鐵粉在印件上留下痕跡一樣。然而當鐵粉一遍又一遍地被拖過印件之後,對印件的影響就越來越明顯,就像人類隨著時間的推移,對原始環境的影響就越來越可觀。磁石的機械運動雖然和人類的生物活動性質相反,但兩者之間循環的週期性則又有相似的地方。同樣,人類對環境機械式的干預只能通過時間顯現出來,就像鐵粉對印件的影響只有經過一段時間之後才能被觀察到一樣。

Between happening is a kinetic, time-based installation. It consists of a framed screen print and a custom-built, magnetic mechanism hidden behind it. The magnet attached to the mechanism inside the frame moves iron powder printed onto the paper. The iron powder reveals the structures and outlines of a landscape. The movement induced by the magnet creates ever-changing patterns of erasing and constructing, revealing and concealing the landscape, which slowly evolves through time.

The pieces of Between happening symbolise the impact humans have on the environment. Every intervention leaves its traces behind, just like the dark iron powder leaves its traces on the print. Over time, the powder will smudge the print more and more, as the particles are dragged across the paper over and again, like pollution smudging a pristine landscape over time. The looped, mechanical movement contrasts with, but also unites with, ideas of the cyclical character of life and the mechanic intervention of humans within it. This impact, however, is only revealed through time, just like the magnet reveals the impact of the iron powder on the print over time.

Solo Exhibition+


  • Unseen Land, Fak,Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst Münster e.V,(德國)明斯特
    Unseen Land, Fak, Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst Münster e.V, Münster, Germany
  • The Ashes Of Snow,Den Frie Centre Of Contemporary Art,哥本哈根
    The Ashes of Snow, Den Frie Centre Of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • When the World is Left only Black and Grey(當世界只剩下黑色和灰色),Sexauer Gallery,柏林
    When the World is Left only Black and Grey, Sexauer Gallery, Berlin, Germany


  • The Melting Black,STUDIOLO,柏林
    The Melting Black, STUDIOLO, Berlin, Germany
    TO OUTLAND, SMAC, Berlin, Germany



  • 入圍第22屆 IFVA亞洲獨立短片及影像媒體比賽互動媒體組別
    2017 Finalist, Interactive Media Category, the 22nd Incubator for Film and Visual Media in Asia
  • 最佳視聽互動獎,西班牙MADATAC 08 新媒體藝術節
    Best Visual-Aural Interaction Award, MADATAC 08, Spain


  • 第21屆 IFVA亞洲獨立短片及影像媒體比賽互動媒體組別
    Finalist, Interactive Media Category, the 21st incubator for Film and Visual Media in Asia, Hong Kong
  • 入圍英國Lumen Prize
    Finalist, The Lumen Prize, UK
  • Sponsorship prize (Förderpreis), 德國第20屆CYNETART國際比賽
    Sponsorship Prize (Förderpreis), the 20th CYNETART International Festival for Computer-based Art, Germany


  • 前3名錄影作品,雅加達國際錄影節之OK. Video
    Top 3 video works, OK VIDEO–Indonesia Media Arts Festival