Frequently Asked Questions about Forming an Alumni Association

Question 1:
How should approval be sought from the University to form an alumni association?

Although alumni associations are independent entities formed by voluntary alumni groups primarily on departmental or programme basis, approval for formation from the University should be sought via the Alumni Relations Office (ARO).
Approval procedures include:

  • Pre-registration stage: Organising Committee (OC) of an alumni association under formation should approach ARO for discussion and verification of (1) draft Articles of Association/Constitution of the proposed association, (2) a list of proposed office-bearers, and (3) activity plan;
  • Registration stage: OC will be invited to formally register its intention to form the association via an undertaking. The association should register itself under the Companies Ordinance or Societies Ordinance;
  • Post-registration stage: After formation, the association should verify alumni identity of new members via department/ARO before granting membership. To maintain its registration with the University, an association should submit a brief annual report at the request of ARO.

Question 2:
What type of registration is required to form an alumni association?

Most local alumni associations are either incorporated as limited companies under the Companies Ordinance of the HK Government or registered as societies under the Societies Ordinance. For details, please refer to Companies Ordinance or Societies Ordinance.

Question 3:
How should approval be sought to use the name and logo of City University of Hong Kong for association activities or printed materials?

Registered alumni associations may use the name of CityU in the association’s name, but not the visual identity and trade marks (e.g. logo) of CityU. Please check full details from the “Policy and Guidelines for the Use of the University’s Name, Visual Identity and Trade Marks”). Alumni associations are required to include in their Articles of Association/Constitution a stipulation to comply with them.

Question 4:
Which address can an alumni association adopt as its registered address?

As a separate legal entity, alumni association is advised to adopt an address outside the University as its permanent registered address unless prior written approval from a relevant department has been obtained.

Question 5:
Where can I get more information about CityU alumni networks? 

Click HERE for CityU alumni networks and HERE for contacts of alumni associations. 

Question 6:
What are the support services of ARO for alumni associations?

For support on venue use, activity promotion and advice on sustaining the growth of alumni association, please contact Ms Cindy KUAN at 852-3442 6391 /