15 June 2017

Dear alumni,

I would like to start this newsletter with a very good piece of news. CityU has broken into the Top 50 universities in the world. According to the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings, CityU has risen six places and is now ranked 49th in the world.  This is truly an encouraging achievement.

Now, in terms of overview, I would like to give you the gist of a plenary speech that I gave at the Electrochemical Society’s annual meeting in New Orleans recently. In my talk, I highlighted the importance of big data technology to life today. As many of you know, big data has the potential to change the quality of life for the better. But that depends on whether or not the information is properly captured, scientifically analysed and free from ideological bias. Contemporary technological innovations may bring many benefits but unfortunately they also have the power to magnify the scale and severity of the risks and hazards we experience in our everyday life. I invite you to read the talk, which has been published in the South China Morning Post (as attached).

Technology is also a theme at an exciting new exhibition at CityU, but the application is more artistic than analytical. CityU is presenting “The Roofs of Paris” in collaboration with Le French May until 23 July at the CityU Exhibition Gallery at Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, and I urge you to take time out of your busy schedules to visit. The exhibition showcases historical 3D artworks, oil paintings, prints, photographs, drawings and postcards as well as incredible media installations developed by the School of Creative Media that focus on the stunning Parisian cityscape. Also, “The Roofs of Paris” is a milestone in Hong Kong-France relations. Several well-known French museums have loaned their works to the exhibition, marking the first time that they have done so in Hong Kong.

Another recent milestone was the inauguration ceremony for the CityU Chengdu Research Institute (CityUCRI) in Shuangliu District in May. CityU is the first university from Hong Kong to establish a base in Chengdu. Using CityU’s technology and human resources, CityUCRI will focus on applied research and industry service, targeting demand for societal development and industry advancement on the mainland.

The inauguration was also a chance for the alumni network in Chengdu to get together. Over 70 CityU representatives, guests and alumni joined the CityU Alumni Gathering @Chengdu. In addition to the event at Chengdu, we have held alumni reunions in Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xi’an and Xichang, all of which have been well attended and well received.

Alumni events are a great way to promote CityU’s growing recognition and status. So is our annual Honorary Fellow presentation ceremony which will be held in September. This year five distinguished persons will receive the title of Honorary Fellow in recognition of their significant contributions to the development of, and service to, the University and the community. They are alumni Mr Benjamin Kwok Chan-yiu and Mr James Liu Ying-yin together with Mr David Chow Tak-fung, Dr Law Hing-chung and Mr Ben Wong Chung-mat, MH, JP.

Meanwhile, I would like to let you know that the 5th Distinguished Alumni Award is now open for nominations. You are welcome to nominate outstanding alumni for this biennial Award. If you know of someone who has studied at CityU who might deserve this award, please let us know!

To finish on a highly colourful note, we have announced the winners of the photo contest concerning the CityU floral emblem Brazil bougainvillea. Congratulations to the winners and a huge round of applause to all those alumni who took part. The first-runner up prize went to alumnus Mr Yeung Sze-long while merit award went to Mr Sze Wang.

Thanks and best wishes!

Way Kuo
President and University Distinguished Professor
City University of Hong Kong


President's Blog ─ Way to Kuo